Forskningsnettet i Norge  

Start Nemo

Nemo Norge

Quick user guide
System requirements
Description of statistics
Technical information
Contact information

Quick user guide

Nemo is an application that shows geographical maps with locations and lines relevant to a computer network. It needs a connection to another server to access its database, so you need to accept the self-signed security certificate for it to work.

What to do if it won't launch?

If your browser presents you with a window asking you what to do with the .jnlp file, it means that it is not configured to handle the Java Web Start MIME type. Tell your browser you want to open it with the 'javaws' program usually located in the /jre/javaws/ or jre/bin/ directory in your Java installation. Some versions of the mozilla web browser is known to have trouble with the security certificate, so if you get some kind of 'Unable to lauch Nemo' error you might try a different browser like Opera or Internet Explorer.

Map navigation

To navigate between different maps you can hover the mouse over an area of the map that aren't occupied by a line or a point. A rectangle outline with a white box showing the mapname will appear. Click the mouse to move to that map location. If the rectangle outline covers the entire current map, it means that you will zoom out one map level if you click on it. Locations with 'flower leaves' around them indicates that it is possible to zoom closer in to get a better look. You can also select a map to view in the menu to the right in the window.

Choosing statistics

Lines and points have statistics associated with them. This is indicated both by colour and size. To view the statistics currently selected, click on the statistics tab in the top right corner. Here you can choose which statistics should be associated with line colour, line size, point colour and point size in the dropdown boxes. An explanation of what the colours and sizes means are given in the space below the dropdown boxes. If a location is square shaped or a line or location is coloured grey, it means that no statistic was found for that location or line.

To view statistics for a different time period other than the current time, you can move the slider at the bottom of the window or can click the arrows at the top of the window. To view a larger or smaller time period you can click on the + or - magnifying glass in the menu to the right. It is possible to view statistics for 5 minutes, 1 hour and 1 day intervals. The maximum, average or other aggregate value according to the selected statistic is shown on the map. If the 'Auto-update statistics' box is checked, Nemo will constantly check for new values to display.

To get the exact statistic values for a line or a point you can click on the desired object, and a menu will appear with the exact time of measurement and statistic value. Most lines and points also have URLs that can be clicked on in order to get more information.

Playing animations

Click on the play button near the bottom in the menu to the right. Please note that the time slider at the bottom must be set to some time in the past, or there will be nothing to play. The animation will stop by itself if it reaches the current time or the end of the slider bar. Click on the buttons to the left or right of the play button to move to the beginning or the end.

System requirements

Nemo was built using Java version 1.4, so you will want to make sure you have that release or a newer one. Java Web Start is used to start the application, so you have to make sure that you have that installed, but this is usually no problem since it is included in the standard Java installation. If your browser is not set up to handle .jnlp files, you have to tell it to use 'javaws' to open that kind of files.

If you want to change the browser that opens URL links, you can run 'javaws' (The Java Web Start program) and make your changes in the File -> Preferences -> Browser setup menu.

Description of statistics

Here we will give a short description of each statistic Nemo is capable of showing.

Peak line load (percent)

Maximum traffic for a line in a given time period measured as a percentage of the total line bandwidth. The kbits/sec value is measured in intervals between 3 and 5 minutes, and the maximum value within an hour is used to give the max line load for that hour. Peak line load for days is computed likewise.

Average line load (percent)

Average traffic for a line in a given time period measured as a percentage of the total line bandwidth. The kbits/sec value is measured in intervals between 3 and 5 minutes, and the average of these values is used to compute the average line load for that hour. Average load for days is computed likewise.

Line capacity (kbits/sec)

The maximum bandwidth of the line measured in kbits/second.

Peak CPU load (5 sec period)

Maximum of the CPU busy load percentage in the router for the last 5 second period. The measurements are taken approximately every 5 minutes.

Average CPU load (5 sec period)

Average of the CPU busy load percentage in the router for the last 5 second period. The measurements are taken approximately every 5 minutes.

Peak CPU load (1 min period)

Maximum of the one minute exponentally-decayed moving average for the CPU load in the router. The measurements are taken approximately every 5 minutes

Average CPU load (1 min period)

Average of the one minute exponentally-decayed moving average for the CPU load in the router. The measurements are taken approximately every 5 minutes

Average packetloss

Average loss of packets to a router, measured in percent.

Ping time (max)

Maximum ping time to a router, measured in milliseconds.

Ping time (median)

Median ping time to a router, measured in milliseconds.

Technical information

Start Nemo in debug mode.

Nemo consists of a Java client that accesses a database to fetch coordinates, URL links, statistics and various other information. The database is fed with a number of scripts that are run at regular intervals to keep everything up to date.


We used PostgreSQL as our DBMS, and the database ER-diagram can be found here. To add new statistics to the database, a new database table for the statistic values must be created. The table must include the mandatory columns for line_id or point_id and timestamp. In addition a number of optional statistic value columns can be supplied.

In order for Nemo to recognize and display the new data, entries must be added to the statistic table and to the conversion table.

statistic table
column namedatatypedescriptionother information
stat_nametextname of the statisticprimary key
timespantextlength of the statistic intervalvalues: 5min, hour or day
nettextname of the networkreferences net(net)
stat_typetextstatistic assosciationvalues: pointcolour, pointsize, linecolour, linesize
statistic_tabletextname of the statistic table as it is in the database schema 
statistic_column1textname of the first statistic column as it is in the database schema 
statistic_column2textname of the second statistic column as it is in the database schemaonly in use for line statistics
equipmentvalue_tabletextname of the equipment value table as it is in the database schemaonly in use for point statistics
equipmentvalue_columntextname of the equipment value column as it is in the database schemaonly in use for point statistics
unittextmeasure unit of the statistic (ms, % or other unit) 
descriptiontexttextual description of the statistic 
stat_urltextnot currently in use 

Line statistics make use of both statistic_column1 and statistic_column2, one for in values and the other for out values. Points use only statistic_column1.
Points may also have equipment assosciated with them, and the statistics for the equipment is stored in an equipment value table.

conversion table
column namedatatypedescriptionother information
stat_nametextname of the statisticreferences statistic(stat_name)
interval_startintegerstart of the statistic value interval 
interval_endintegerend of the statistic value interval 
colourtextRGB colour value of the given intervalon the form "rrr ggg bbb", e.g. "240 180 255"
sizetextsize of the given interval 
symbol_urltextnot currently in use 

For a given set of conversion tuples that belong to the same statistic, either the colour column or size column is populated, and the other is left blank.


A number of perl scripts run on that gathers data from various sources and feeds them to the database. These scripts are located in /local/net-status/nemo/bin/

Java client

The client is written in Java version 1.4, and uses Java Web Start for deployment. The source code is checked in as a module called nemo at In the figure below the UML class diagram of the system is shown, and each class is described briefly in the next sections.

Nemo class diagram

class Netmonitor
The main class is Netmonitor, this is where execution starts when the Netmonitor.jnlp file is run by Java Web Start. The arguments in the .jnlp file is fed to the Netmonitor class and it makes an instance of MapFrame, which is the main GUI class. Netmonitor is also responsible for communicating with the PostgreSQL database, and it contains all the methods for fetching data from the database and building objects based on the received data.
class MapFrame
MapFrame is a subclass of javax.swing.JFrame, and it represents Nemo's main GUI window. All the Swing components are contained within this class, except StatisticDialog which is separated out as its own class. MapFrame handles all the mouse events, and carries out the appropiate action when the user hovers the mouse over and element or clicks on an element. It also handles what happens when the user selects different maps or statistics from the menus.
class NetworkElement
A NetworkElement object represents a network that has a set of maps and statistics. The different networks available are shown in the drop-down menu at the top right in the MapFrame window.
class MapElement
This class contains the image of the background map along with a list of all the PointElement and LineElement objects that belong to the map. It has methods for adjusting overlapping points, line or text so that it is placed in a more appropiate location. MapElement also has methods for assigning LineStatistic and PointStatistic elements to the lines and points so that they can be drawn with the correct size and colour. MapElement also contains a method for drawing itself in a graphical context.
class LineElement
LineElement contains various information about a line such as size, colour, coordinates and origin and destination points. It contains methods for adjusting the coordinates if the line exceeds the borders of a map, and for drawing the line in a graphical context.
class PointElement
PointElement contains various information about a point such as size, colour and coordinates. It has methods for converting coordinates from one UTM zone to another, and for drawing itself in a graphical context.
class LineStatistic
LineStatistic is a data structure class for holding information about a line such as size and colour. This information is applied to a LineElement prior to drawing it on the map.
class PointStatistic
PointStatistic is a data structure class for holding information about a point such as size and colour. This information is applied to a PointElement prior to drawing it on the map.
class StatisticElement
A StatisticElement represents information about a statistic such as the name of the SQL table that contains the statistic in addition to methods for representing a graphical interpretation of the intervals of the statistic.
class StatisticDialog
The StatisticDialog is shown when the user clicks on a line or point on the map. It contains a table with detailed information about the statistics belonging to that line or point.
class EquipmentTableModel
This class defines the tablemodel that is used by the StatisticDialog to show information about the statistics of all the equipment at a location.
class UTM_Converter
This class contains methods for converting between one UTM zone to another.
interface Selectable
This interface contains methods that classes implement to draw the selected version of themselves on the map, and also for determining what happens when the user performes a mouseclick on it.


Nemo consists of NetMap and Nemo Source Code

Contact information

To report bugs or give feedback about Nemo, please send a mail to 2003-07-11